Climate change seems overwhelming, but there are simple steps that you can do to help make a difference.
Choose self-powered or mass transit. You’ll lower your GHG emissions and keep fit.
Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use and purchase efficient appliances.
Do your part to learn about climate change and make sure our leaders do as well!
Landfills are a leading producer of methane gas, a greenhouse gas—recycle instead.
Conserve energy, save money, and reduce emissions from manufacturing.
It takes a lot of energy to pump and treat water. Saving water reduces GHG emissions.
Choose foods that are local, organic, and low on the food chain. Support small farms in your area.
You can buy green power from your local power company or modify your house to create your own.
Flying has a greater impact per passenger mile than any other mode of transport.
Help the groups that can make a difference to be able to do so. A list can be found below.
Place your computer into energy savings mode and turn off office equipment when you're not using it.
Sealing the gaps around your doors and windows will make you more comfortable and save energy!
Here are seven of my favorite organizations that support climate change. was founded with the goal of uniting climate activists into a movement, with a strategy of bottom-up organizing around the world.
A Canadian organization that works to conserve the environment and find solutions that will create a sustainable Canada through science-based research, education, and policy work.
A global nonprofit organization committed to exploring and protecting our planet. They fund hundreds of research and conservation projects around the world each year.
Working to conserve polar bears and the sea ice they depend on. They also work to inspire people to care about the Arctic and its connection to our global climate.
Founded by John Muir in 1892, the Sierra Club is the United States' largest grassroots environmental organization—with more than two million members and supporters.
Combines technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.
Combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.